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Diş taşı temizliği.jpg

The formation we call tartar is the calcified and mineralized form of dental plaque. In other words, due to the foods we eat, the drinks we drink, and even the minerals in our saliva, a layer forms on your teeth that you can distinguish between your eyes and yourself in the mirror. This layer is called dental plaque. This layer of plaque has the capacity to harden as it mineralizes over time and often hardens. This hard layer is called tartar.

Cleaning process is done with ultrasonic devices (a set of devices vibrating very fast), various hand tools, devices such as airflow. When these tools are applied in the right settings and with the right methods, they do not cause permanent damage to your teeth. Although it varies from person to person, routine control should be done every 6 months. However, some patients may require more frequent appointments (every 3 months).

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