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Yaprak Porselen Uygulaması.jpg

Prosthetic dental treatment is a set of treatments that cover applications such as dental prostheses, implant prostheses, restoration of edentulous mouths and smile design . The most important step in prosthetic dental treatment is planning. Proper planning is the key to having healthy and long-lasting restorations.

In today's dentistry, we now have the opportunity to make the most aesthetic restorations by applying minimal abrasion to the teeth. We can now find the opportunity to work much more aesthetically in metal-supported porcelain restorations, and we can imitate the aesthetics closest to the natural tooth structure with zirconia-based porcelains and glass-ceramic restorations .

One of the most important steps in over-implant prosthesis is the passive and non-disturbing attachment of the prosthesis with the implants and its compatibility with the other elements in the mouth. Hybrid restorations can be used as material in implant-supported prostheses, as well as monolithic restorative options.

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